Large Washers with Outside Diameters up to 12″
Boker’s extensive capabilities include extended washer sizes up to 12 inches in diameter. This is part of Boker’s wide offering, which provides washers and spacers to accommodate the largest range of applications across any industry.
Boker’s capabilities include flat washers and custom shapes such as tab and notched washers that are created to meet your exact specifications. Sizes range from 0.080-inch to 12-inch outside diameters and substantial inside diameter choices, providing endless washer possibilities.

Large washers are available in numerous metallic and non-metallic materials, thicknesses and production quantities that include prototype or production runs. Metallic options include low-carbon sheet steel, various spring steels, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, copper and nickel silver. Non-metallic materials include ABS, acetal, polyester, nylon, MD nylon, polycarbonate, fiber, polyethylene and various phenolics. Washer thicknesses can range from .005″ to .190″. Production can be completed with fast turnaround times for prompt shipping.
To obtain a quote for notched washers please fill out our fast quote form.